E 0468          HUBRIS

The word "hubris" is Greek .

H 0110            ה ר ב ע

Concept of root : arrogance

Hebrew word


English meanings

ה ר ב ע



Related English words

hubris, from Greek

Comparison between European words and Hebrew




English meanings

Similarity in roots


 ה ר ב ע



‛e b r .





hu b r .




hu b r .



Proto-Semitic *‛EVER- --- *HÜBR-IS Greek



The Greek word "hubris" is a very well-known one. In ancient mythology it was used to accuse the human mortals who stood up against the Gods.


  • Hebrew bases this word certainly on the root ע ב ר, ‛ABR, that has had a rich production of words, reason why we find it in various forms in more entries of this list. The meaning of the actual word, "arrogance", is that of one who figuratively crosses a limit and goes beyond where he should be allowed to go.
    The word "‛ everą" has also the meanings of " anger, wrath, fury".


  • Greek "hubris" however important the word was, has no known etymology at all. There is no other word that comes sufficiently near "hubris" in both sound and meaning. The nearest one seems to be "οβριμος , obrimos", saying :"powerful, vigorous, impetuous", tha remains far off. On the other hand it does not look like a loanword from Semitic. And it was used by Homer. A probable answer is that the root was old and has gone out of use in Greek with the exception of the specific word "hubris".


  • Hebrew and Proto-Semitic. Proto-Semitic is considered as having used the same root that is present in Hebrew, "*ע ב ר, Ayin B R ". A similar root is used in Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic and Akkadian. This entry may in fact be seen as belonging together with a group of six, all based on the same Proto-Semitic and Hebrew root , that has known a particularly rich development of related meanings, which have their counterparts in various European languages. The six entries are :
     E 0651 over                       (Hebrew 0104, to pass over)
     E 0331 ferry ( Dutch "veer")      (Hebrew 0105, to cross (over)
     E 0345 ford                       (Hebrew 0106, ford)
     E 0939 OE beran (Latin fero)      (Hebrew 0107,to pass, transport )
     E 0629 OE ofer(Du "overkant")     (Hebrew 0108, other side)
     E 0344 for                        (Hebrew 0109, for, before).





Created: Tuesday 6 November 2007 at 22.30.54 Updated: 28/09/2012 at 17.25.26